No One Belongs Here More Than You – ein Performance Festival
Der Titel des ersten Performance Festivals in der Saarländischen Galerie ist Programm: An fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden zeigen wir eine Auswahl experimenteller Performances wie Schlagzeugimprovisation, Lecture Performance, Videoscreening und Tanz. Die insgesamt 16 eingeladenen Künstler*innen verbindet ihre Heimat - ob als Ort, als Gefühl oder Inhalt ihrer Arbeit. Niemand gehört hier mehr hin als du - we are happy to invite you!
Künstler*innen: Bengü Karaduman, Cornelia Fachinger, Dan Roth & Friedrich Lorch, Hyeonsu Jung, Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Martial Frenzel, Mert Akbal, Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben), LibellenRebellen (Julia Rabusai, Sarah Tschanun), Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje
Kuratiert von Natalie Brück und Paulette Penje
Donnerstag, 18.08.22, 19:00
Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben)
Veganes Geschichtsepos / Sound und Bewegung
No One Belongs Here More Than You eröffnet mit dem Mount Vegan Rawchestra, welches vegane Geräusche und vegetative Bewegungen im Gepäck hat. Außerdem mit dabei: ein Modell und der Versuch es zu erklären.
Hyeonsu Jung, Human As Humus, Videoscreening
Hyeonsu Jung erzählt in ihrer Videoarbeit Human As Humus die Geschichte eines Cyborgs, der durch eine Toilette zwischen verschiedenen Räumen und Szenen wechselt. Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Vermischung von realer und virtueller Welt fragt sie sich, wie zukünftige technologische Entwicklungen die Art und Weise, wie wir mit der Natur und anderen Spezies zusammenleben, verändern werden?
Freitag, 19.08.22, 19:00
LibellenRebellen, Lecture Performance und Beobachtungen im Außenraum
„Sie schauen durch tausend kleine Augen mit einem 360 Grad Rundumblick. Sie sehen die Welt von oben und durchblicken die dunkelsten Tiefen.“
LibellenRebellen sind die Künstlerin Julia Rabusai und die Journalistin Sarah Tschanun. Sie arbeiten mit künstlerischen Methoden, um eine höhere Aufmerksamkeit und Sensibilität für die Kulturlandschaft, in der wir leben, zu verhandeln. LibellenRebellen wollen die Bewohner*innen der Städte inspirieren, sie lebenswerter zu gestalten. Sie laden ein zu einem beflügelten, beflügelnden Diskurs über Natur, Kunst und Stadt.
Dan Roth und Friedrich Lorch, Ritual
Dan Roth und Friedrich Lorch widmen sich in ihrer Darbietung dem Thema Freundschaft. Sie reinszenieren ihr Kennenlernen bei einem Tanz im Regen, welches durch eine rituelle Abhandlung zu einem Band wird. Mit ihrer Performance laden sie die Zuschauer*innen in ihre Welt ein.
Samstag, den 20.08.22, 17:00
Mert Akbal, Lecture Performance
Misinterpretation of Dreams: Mert Akbal erforscht wissenschaftlich und künstlerisch Kognitionsprozesse. Aus diesen Beschäftigungen entstanden hunderte Animation-Loops, von welchen er uns einige präsentieren wird. Zusätzlich wird er uns live in die surrealistische Aspekte seiner digitalen Produktionsprozesse einführen.
Bengü Karaduman, Videoscreening
Sie sammelt ihr Material sowohl aus bewussten als auch aus unbewussten Erfahrungen, um die Welt und ihre wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, politischen Systeme und Mechanismen zu verstehen. Wie Realitäten konstruiert werden, ist das Thema ihrer Arbeit, ebenso wie das Individuum mittendrin. Ihre Methode ist zu beobachten, zu sammeln, zu zerlegen, zu entziffern und wieder zusammenzusetzen.
Cornelia Fachinger, Lecture Performance
Cornelia Fachinger entwirft u. a. Konzepte, die Strukturen und
Bedingungen innerhalb kunstbezogener Veranstaltungen einbeziehen, wie etwa ein Raumspray aus ätherischen Ölen für den Kunstraum Niederoesterreich anhand des Ergebnisses seiner energetischen Begehung oder dem kurzfristigen Training eines Kunstvereins zum Kanon-Chor. Diesmal wird sie in eine besondere Form des Schwärmens geraten und uns erzählen, was sie neben der Kunst noch so alles interessiert.
Sonntag 21.08.22, 17:00
Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Soundperformance
Narval nutzt die spezifischen architektonischen Bedingungen des Ausstellungsraumes für seine Soundperformance. Eine Auswahl akustischer Feedbacks, die mit verschiedenen Techniken vor Ort live erzeugt und moduliert werden, bewegen sich wie akustische Zeichnungen durch den Raum. Der Raum wird akustisch abgetastet, verstärkt und in Schwingung versetzt. Ebenso kommen alltägliche Objekte wie Teekannen, Smartphones und die eigene Stimme zum Einsatz. Das Thema der Unsichtbarkeit als ein wesentliches Merkmal von Klang und Geräusch wird in einer Abfolge von dialogischen und improvisierten Momenten zur Aufführung gebracht.
Hyeonsu Jung, Videoscreening
In Polymorphosis gehen Hyeonsu Jung, Anja Khersonska und Mora Obradovic von pop-kultureller Ästhetik und Tropes aus und sehen darin ein posthumanistisches Potenzial, in dem die Grenzen zwischen stabilen Identitäten verschwimmen und sozial zugeschriebene Eigenschaften wie Gender und Race nicht mehr zugewiesen werden können. Sie wandeln das pop-kulturelle Material um, bis es keine ursprüngliche Form mehr gibt.
Montag 22.08.22, 19:00
Martial Frenzel, Schlagzeugimprovisation
Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje, Improvisierte Movement Performance
Martial Frenzel ist Schlagzeuger und Perkussionist. Er wird den Abschlussabend mit einer freien Improvisation beginnen. Er sagt selbst: „Wild, wüst und gefräßig wird getrommelt, dass sich die Hüften biegen und die Balken schwingen“. In einem fließenden Übergang versuchen dann die beiden Künstlerinnen Natalie Brück und Paulette Penje bewegte Bilder für eine enge und zugleich komplexe Beziehung zwischen zwei Menschen zu finden.
No One Belongs Here More Than You - A Performance Festival
With the title of the first performance festival at Saarländische Galerie, we welcome everyone with open arms, not only those whose work is featured but also all who attend. On five consecutive evenings, we’ll present a selection of experimental performances, such as drum improvisation, lecture performance, video screening, and dance. The 16 invited artists are connected through their home, be that a place, a feeling, or the content of their work. No one belongs here more than you – so we are happy to invite you, as well!
Artists: Bengü Karaduman, Cornelia Fachinger, Dan Roth & Friedrich Lorch, Hyeonsu Jung, Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Martial Frenzel, Mert Akbal, Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben), LibellenRebellen (Julia Rabusai, Sarah Tschanun), Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje
Curated by Natalie Brück and Paulette Penje
Thursday, 18 August. 7 PM
Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben)
Vegan Historical Epic / Sound and Movement
No One Belongs Here More Than You opens with the Mount Vegan Rawchestra, featuring vegan sounds and vegetative movement. Also included: a model and an attempt to explain it.
Hyeonsu Jung, Human As Humus, Video Screening
In her video work Human As Humus, Hyeonsu Jung tells the story of a cyborg that travels through a toilet to access different spaces and scenes. With the increasing intermingling of the real and virtual worlds, she wonders: how will future technologies change the way we coexist with nature and other species?
Friday, 19 August. 7 PM
LibellenRebellen, Lecture Performance and Observations in the Outdoor Space
"They look through a thousand tiny eyes with a 360-degree panoramic view. They see the world from above and see through the darkest depths."
LibellenRebellenare artist Julia Rabusai and journalist Sarah Tschanun. They work with artistic methods to negotiate greater awareness of and sensitivity to the cultural landscape in which we live. DragonflyRebels want to inspire urban inhabitants to make cities more livable. They invite you to an soaring, inspiring discourse about nature, art, and the city.
Dan Roth and Friedrich Lorch, Ritual
Dan Roth and Friedrich Lorch dedicate their performance to the theme of friendship. They’ll re-stage the moment of their first meeting, a dance together in the rain, as a ritual that forges deep, lasting bonds. With this performance, they invite us into their world.
Saturday, 20 August. 5 PM
Mert Akbal, Lecture Performance
Misinterpretation of Dreams: Mert Akbal researches cognitive processes, scientifically and artistically. From this he’s produced hundreds of animation loops, some of which he’ll present to us. In addition, he’ll share a live display of his creative process, revealing the surreal aspects of his digital production.
Bengü Karaduman, Video Screening
Bengü Karaduman gathers material from both conscious and unconscious experiences to understand the world and its economic, social, and political systems and mechanisms. Her method is to observe, collect, disassemble, decipher and reassemble. Accordingly, her work explores how realities are constructed – as well as the individual that stands in their midst.
Cornelia Fachinger, Lecture Performance
Cornelia Fachinger develops concepts that include structures and conditions within artistic spaces and events. For example, a room spray of essential oils based on the energetic fields of the Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, or the short-term training and transformation of an art association into a canon choir. On Saturday, she’ll enter a special state of rapture and tell us about everything else that interests her besidesart.
Sunday, 21 August. 5 PM
Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Sound Performance
Narval uses the specific architectural conditions of the Galerie to create a sound performance that scans, amplifies, and vibrates the exhibition space. Acoustic feedback, generated and modulated live on site using various techniques, will move through the space like aural drawings – accompanied by the sounds of everyday objects, such as teapots, smartphones, and even your own voice. In a series of dialogic and improvised moments, Narval presents the theme of invisibility as an essential feature of sound and noise.
Hyeonsu Jung, Video Screening
In Polymorphosis, Hyeonsu Jung, Anja Khersonska, and Mora Obradovic take pop-cultural aesthetics as their point of departure and see in them a posthumanist potential. They take such tropes in a direction where the boundaries between stable identities become blurred and socially ascribed characteristics, such as gender and race, can no longer be assigned. They transform the material of pop culture until there is no longer an original form.
Monday, 22 August. 7 PM
Martial Frenzel, Percussion Improvisation
Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje, Improvised Movement Performance
Martial Frenzel is a drummer and percussionist. The final evening will begin with his free improvisation, or as he calls it: "wild, savage and voracious drumming so that the hips bend and the beams swing." In a flowing transition, artists Natalie Brück and Paulette Penje will try to find moving images that embody a close – yet complex – relationship between two people.
Translation: Anneliese Musgrove
No One Belongs Here More Than You - A Performance Festival
With the title of the first performance festival at Saarländische Galerie, we welcome everyone with open arms, not only those whose work is featured but also all who attend. On five consecutive evenings, we’ll present a selection of experimental performances, such as drum improvisation, lecture performance, video screening, and dance. The 16 invited artists are connected through their home, be that a place, a feeling, or the content of their work. No one belongs here more than you – so we are happy to invite you, as well!
Artists: Bengü Karaduman, Cornelia Fachinger, Dan Roth & Friedrich Lorch, Hyeonsu Jung, Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Martial Frenzel, Mert Akbal, Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben), LibellenRebellen (Julia Rabusai, Sarah Tschanun), Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje
Curated by Natalie Brück and Paulette Penje
Thursday, 18 August. 7 PM
Mount Vegan Rawchestra (Frédéric Ehlers, Martina Wegener, Marius Alsleben)
Vegan Historical Epic / Sound and Movement
No One Belongs Here More Than You opens with the Mount Vegan Rawchestra, featuring vegan sounds and vegetative movement. Also included: a model and an attempt to explain it.
Hyeonsu Jung, Human As Humus, Video Screening
In her video work Human As Humus, Hyeonsu Jung tells the story of a cyborg that travels through a toilet to access different spaces and scenes. With the increasing intermingling of the real and virtual worlds, she wonders: how will future technologies change the way we coexist with nature and other species?
Friday, 19 August. 7 PM
LibellenRebellen, Lecture Performance and Observations in the Outdoor Space
"They look through a thousand tiny eyes with a 360-degree panoramic view. They see the world from above and see through the darkest depths."
LibellenRebellenare artist Julia Rabusai and journalist Sarah Tschanun. They work with artistic methods to negotiate greater awareness of and sensitivity to the cultural landscape in which we live. DragonflyRebels want to inspire urban inhabitants to make cities more livable. They invite you to an soaring, inspiring discourse about nature, art, and the city.
Dan Roth and Friedrich Lorch, Ritual
Dan Roth and Friedrich Lorch dedicate their performance to the theme of friendship. They’ll re-stage the moment of their first meeting, a dance together in the rain, as a ritual that forges deep, lasting bonds. With this performance, they invite us into their world.
Saturday, 20 August. 5 PM
Mert Akbal, Lecture Performance
Misinterpretation of Dreams: Mert Akbal researches cognitive processes, scientifically and artistically. From this he’s produced hundreds of animation loops, some of which he’ll present to us. In addition, he’ll share a live display of his creative process, revealing the surreal aspects of his digital production.
Bengü Karaduman, Video Screening
Bengü Karaduman gathers material from both conscious and unconscious experiences to understand the world and its economic, social, and political systems and mechanisms. Her method is to observe, collect, disassemble, decipher and reassemble. Accordingly, her work explores how realities are constructed – as well as the individual that stands in their midst.
Cornelia Fachinger, Lecture Performance
Cornelia Fachinger develops concepts that include structures and conditions within artistic spaces and events. For example, a room spray of essential oils based on the energetic fields of the Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, or the short-term training and transformation of an art association into a canon choir. On Saturday, she’ll enter a special state of rapture and tell us about everything else that interests her besidesart.
Sunday, 21 August. 5 PM
Narval (Evgenija Wassilew & Peter Strickmann), Sound Performance
Narval uses the specific architectural conditions of the Galerie to create a sound performance that scans, amplifies, and vibrates the exhibition space. Acoustic feedback, generated and modulated live on site using various techniques, will move through the space like aural drawings – accompanied by the sounds of everyday objects, such as teapots, smartphones, and even your own voice. In a series of dialogic and improvised moments, Narval presents the theme of invisibility as an essential feature of sound and noise.
Hyeonsu Jung, Video Screening
In Polymorphosis, Hyeonsu Jung, Anja Khersonska, and Mora Obradovic take pop-cultural aesthetics as their point of departure and see in them a posthumanist potential. They take such tropes in a direction where the boundaries between stable identities become blurred and socially ascribed characteristics, such as gender and race, can no longer be assigned. They transform the material of pop culture until there is no longer an original form.
Monday, 22 August. 7 PM
Martial Frenzel, Percussion Improvisation
Natalie Brück & Paulette Penje, Improvised Movement Performance
Martial Frenzel is a drummer and percussionist. The final evening will begin with his free improvisation, or as he calls it: "wild, savage and voracious drumming so that the hips bend and the beams swing." In a flowing transition, artists Natalie Brück and Paulette Penje will try to find moving images that embody a close – yet complex – relationship between two people.
Translation: Anneliese Musgrove